Friday, April 10, 2015

Stop the Presses!

Pizza buns made in a a muffin tin are INFINITELY SUPERIOR to flat mini pizzas. I made them for breakfast a couple mornings ago.

I used my giant muffin tin and squished the jumbo biscuits as much as possible to fit. I could have used the normal sized muffin tin but I wanted as much room for cheese as possible.

I used the same one spoonful of sauce but in the future, two seems more proportionate.

Then I added the toppings. I layered the pepperoni ones: sauce, pepperoni, cheese, more pepperoni, more cheese. (I really love cheese. Have you figured that out yet?)

Again, I used the two types of cheese: pizza blend cheese on the left and taco blend cheese on the right. I made a pepperoni one of each as well.

I baked them in my real oven at 400F for 15 minutes and they came out perfectly!

You can see a slight dimple in the one on the right. That's what happens when you turn your back for two seconds and you have a nosy cat in the kitchen.

Pepperoni pizza bun with taco cheese! It needed more sauce but oh man, look at that crust! You can see how flaky the biscuit crust got while still being soft on the inside. They came apart nicely without pulling all the cheese off with the first cut. I loved the crispy cheese edges!

Pizza bun with regular pizza cheese! Soooo much cheese! It made me really happy! I made four pizza buns, ate two immediately, and refrigerated the other two. But just a few hours later, I got hungry again! So I popped the last two pizza buns in my toaster oven for about 10 minutes and they reheated beautifully! These are definitely a recipe to keep and make maybe every week! They hold a lot more toppings in the pizza bun variation than in a flat mini pizza, and I can't wait to try other toppings. I think sausage and mushroom and ham and pineapple might be next!

As I type this, I am very hungry and I have no more pizza buns. Super sad.

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